In his revolutionary book Miracles Happen , Brian Weiss M.D., the New York Times bestselling author of Many Lives, Many Masters , examines the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that is possible when you freely accept and embrace the reality of reincarnation. Trained...
Weiss, junto con su hija Amy, comparte con nosotros notables historias de la vida real y nos revela el modo en que la regresi?n a las vidas anteriores alberga las claves de nuestro prop?sito espiritual. Como psicoterapeuta tradicional, el doctor Weiss se mostr?...
In his revolutionary book Miracles Happen , Brian Weiss M.D., the New York Times bestselling author of Many Lives, Many Masters , examines the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that is possible when you freely accept and embrace the reality of reincarnation. Trained...