Es verano otra vez y Sue ir al Campamento Sauce con sus amigos por dos semanas enteras Ella quiere practicar senderismo y tiro con arco, y hacer c mics al aire libre. Est especialmente entusiasmada con los juegos de rol en vivo y est impaciente por sentir la libertad que conlleva estar lejos de casa. Pero no estar lejos de la atenta mirada de su familia porque su hermana mayor, Carmen, es consejera de campamento este a o y su hermanita Ester tambi n ir al campamento Todo lo que Sue quiere es pasar buenos ratos y crear recuerdos con sus amigos, pero Ester no le da espacio y Sue no puede escapar de la responsabilidad de tener que cuidarla. Y resulta que Sue no tendr tantas actividades con sus amigos como pensaba. Adem s, espera, qu es esto? Sam, su mejor amiga, tiene otra amiga en el campamento llamada Marisol? E Izzy, la amiga de Sue, est enamorada de ella? Este verano no marcha como estaba previsto
A companion to Miss Quinces, Kat Fajardo's bestselling, award-winning middle-grade graphic novel
It's summer again, and Sue is heading to Camp Willow with her friends for two whole weeks She's looking forward to hiking, archery, and making some comics in the fresh air. She's especially excited about LARPing (live-action roleplaying, of course), and can't wait for the freedom that comes with being away from home. But she won't be far from her family's watchful eye because her big sister, Carmen, is a camp counselor this year and her little sister, Ester, will be a camper All Sue wants is to spend quality time and make memories with her friends, but Ester won't give her any space and Sue can't escape the responsibility of having to look after her. And it turns out that Sue won't have as many activities with her friends as she thought. Also, hold on, what's this? Her best friend, Sam, has a best camp friend named Marisol? And Sue's good friend Izzy has a crush on Sue? This summer isn't at all going as planned