REVISED: Monday. November 18, 2024
KASAHOROW's Modern Wolof Dictionary is an integrated Wolof dictionary for everyone. This book is designed for anyone looking to build and deepen connections with Wolof speakers while learning Wolof with a tutor. Each entry includes a classification of the entry. Verbs with the same classification are conjugated in the same way in 3 tenses (simple present, simple past, future). Nouns with the same classification form their plurals in the same way.
Learn how to use 1000+ Wolof words.Perfect for anyone who wants to connect with Wolof speakers.Includes a 1-year free subscription to WOAKA: The kasahorow Dictionary onlineAt kasahorow, we celebrate differences but promote unity. We currently use the most universal or common translations for a word. We are aware that there are other language varieties that use different translations and we hope that in the future, we can create books that will include all variations. We make dictionaries using a continuous improvement method (look inside the front-page for the revision date of your copy) because we publish each book using a print-on-demand model.
We believe a dictionary is best created by everyone, not just an individual. And so we need your feedback to revise each edition. We are led by Yale and Cambridge alums, and we want to be around for as long as there are people on earth who want to learn Wolof to love someone better. If you find any mistakes or have any concerns, please contact us so we can address the issue as soon as possible. We can fix this book within 14 days and send you a refund (or a corrected edition) as you wish. Please email us at [email protected].