i couldn't wait to recieve this book and now that i have; i find it the most helpful book in my howto library. the terms are spelled out and the way criminals work their different crimes is spelled out, most times a detailed description is given. i find this most helpful in getting an insight into my criminals mind....and making it realistic. good work, Mauro V Corvasce and Joseph R Paglino. thanks for making this book available...
I bought this book, and read it many weeks ago but forgot to write a review over. Honestly I enjoyed the book, and it was terrific entertainment for me the evening I read it in which I remember well.
Modus Operandi is a great reference book for writers who want to understand how criminals work. Written by two detectives who draw heavily on their experience the book is a packed with useful information ranging from con artists to murderers, carjackers to smugglers. What makes this book good is that it not only covers how the crimes are committed, but also the psychology behind the criminal, police slang and inside information...