Molly: The Survivor
This Molly story is unrelated to the Zombie Instinct Series. It is where Molly was born though. I wrote this short story for a charity anthology that never got off the ground. I loved it too much to part with it and I'm so glad I didn't. This is Molly after a political upset that forces the county into marshal law. No shambling corpses, just the regular kind of evil that humans are all too capable of on their own.
Molly: Series Blurb
Molly Everett is a survivor, a fighter of the first order. Follow her as she battles both alpha zombies and humans, all while desperately holding onto her own humanity. Spanning three books, this boxed set is chock full of blood, violence, terror, and-above all-hope.
Humans are capable of extraordinary things, and maybe, so are Alpha Zombies.