This idea-packed publication veers away from the all-too-common avant-garde and 'cartoony' style of scrapbooking. The styles presented herein are elegant and classier than most. The pictures are fantastic, and are an inspiration to the scrapbooker. Contains a number of patterns, directions and templates (which requires enlargement) for the reader's use.
This is for those who aren't into cute, cartoony looking scrapbooks. I have never really gotten into scrapbooking before, because the examples I've seen just aren't my style. This book has changed my attitude 180 degrees. If you love beautiful, elegant artwork, this book will inspire you. Anyone familiar with the magazine Somerset Studio will feel right at home. Your memory albums don't have to be childish or
Even if I never did any of the beautiful art work described and shown in these pages,I'd still be happy to own this book. The author goes beyond the mundane, childish and in my opinion, artless arrays of photos mounted on various colored papers that I've seen in several other how-to scrapbook books. Each of the scrapbook pages and covers she describes and shows are truly works of art that might even be good enough to display...