We began with the intention of monographing Chalara and very similar fungi (Excioconidium,
etc.). We soon extended the scope of our study to encompass those dimorphic imperfect genera with Chalara-like phialides (Thielaviopsis, Chalaropsis, Stilbochalam, Hughesiella), then to cover two other genera with Chalara-like phialides but having characteristic ancillary sterile structures (Chaetochalara, Sporoschisma). Finally we considered several other genera with phialides having more or less cylindrical collarettes and deep-seated conidiogenous loci (Bloxamia, Endosporostilbe, Ascoconidium, Sporendocladia) or whose descriptions raised the suspicion that they had such attributes (Endoconidium, Columnophora, Milowia). To have extended the study further would have meant including phialidic genera
which, although often having relatively deep collarettes, were otherwise not particularly morphologically comparable to Chalara (Catenularia, Phialophora, Phialocephala, Sporoschismopsis).