Countless Christians have been inspired by Spurgeon's straightforward and insightful writings. And these classic meditations continue to be just as relevant today as they were more than one hundred years ago. This modern-language edition of Morning and Evening...
For over one hundred years, Christians have gotten up and gone to bed with Charles Spurgeon's devotional Morning and Evening as a companion. With a reading to begin and end each day throughout the year, you will come to appreciate Spurgeon's emphasis on the importance of abiding...
Charles Spurgeon's bestselling twice-daily devotional--now available in a beautiful collector's edition For more than 150 years, Morning and Evening has provided millions of readers encouragement, challenge, and thought-provoking insight from the pen of...
Devotions to bookend and bless your day. In his devotional writing, Spurgeon's love for God's word intersects with his love for God's people. The result: a wealth of timeless Biblical meditations with applications that...
Devotions to bookend and bless your day. In his devotional writing, Spurgeon's love for God's word intersects with his love for God's people. The result: a wealth of timeless Biblical meditations with applications that...
Charles H. Spurgeon's uplifting messages for each day of the year will comfort and refresh you in your walk with God. Spending time with God at the start and the close of each day will bring a new joy in your life. Supplemented by key verses of Scripture, these devotional passages...
Charles Spurgeon was a British Baptist known as The Prince of Preachers. Spurgeon's devotional Morning and Evening provides spiritual readings for the entire year.
Countless Christians have been inspired by Spurgeon's straightforward and insightful writings. And these classic meditations continue to be just as relevant today as they were more than one hundred years ago.
Devotions to bookend and bless your day. In his devotional writing, Spurgeon's love for God's word intersects with his love for God's people. The result: a wealth of timeless Biblical meditations with applications that...
"Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths." Charles Haddon Spurgeon
"Come, my soul, sit at Jesus's feet and learn of him all this day." Our hearts long for true connection with God-to know Him, to be known by Him, and to be transformed by this knowing. Whether we recognize it or not, we are forever searching...
Tens of thousands of Christians have gotten up and gone to bed with Charles Spurgeon's devotional Morning and Evening. Seven hundred and thirty two devotions. One for each morning and each evening. These devotions will guide you in a closer walk with God, helping you find a focus...
Devotions to bookend and bless your day. In his devotional writing, Spurgeon's love for God's word intersects with his love for God's people. The result: a wealth of timeless Biblical meditations with applications that...
"Nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else." Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Morning and Evening, Based on the English Standard Version