Part I: Visualization of Morphogen Gradients
1. Analysis of Expression Gradients of Developmental Regulators in Arabidopsis thaliana Roots
Mar?a Florencia Ercoli, Rodrigo Vena, Camila Goldy, Javier F. Palatnik, and Ramiro E. Rodriguez
2. Detection and Quantification of the Bicoid Concentration Gradient in Drosophila Embryos
Feng He, Honggang Wu, David Cheung, and Jun Ma
3. Imaging Cytonemes in Drosophila Embryos
Lijuan Du and Sougata Roy
4. Measuring Dorsoventral Pattern and Morphogen Signaling Profiles in the Growing Neural Tube
Marcin Zagorski and Anna Kicheva
Part II: Analysis of Biophysical Properties and Functions of Morphogens
5. Fluorescence Correlation and Cross-Correlation Spectroscopy in Zebrafish
Xue Wen Ng, Karuna Sampath, and Thorsten Wohland
6. FRAP Analysis of Extracellular Diffusion in Zebrafish Embryos
Gary H. Soh and Patrick M?ller
7. Generation of Ectopic Morphogen Gradients in the Zebrafish Blastula
Maraysa de Olivera-Melo, Peng-Fei Xu, Nathalie Houssin, Bernard Thisse, and Christine Thisse
8. Polarizing Region Tissue Grafting in the Chick Embryo Limb Bud
Holly Stainton and Matthew Towers
9. Analysis of PLETHORA Gradient Formation by Secreted Peptides during Root Development
Hidefumi Shinohara and Yoshikatsu Matsubayashi
10. Live Imaging of mRNA Transcription in Drosophila Embryos
Carmina Angelica Perez-Romero, Huy Tran, Mathieu Coppey, Aleksandra M. Walczak, C?cile Fradin, and Nathalie Dostatni
11. LiveFly: A Toolbox for the Analysis of Transcription Dynamics in Live Drosophila Embryos
Huy Tran, Carmina Angelica Perez-Romero, Teresa Ferraro, Cecile Fradin, Nathalie Dostatni, Mathieu Coppey, and Aleksandra M. Walczak
Part III: Modeling of Morphogen Behaviors and Activities
12. Discrete-State Stochastic Modeling of Morphogen Gradient Formation
Hamid Teimouri and Anatoly B. Kolomeisky
13. Simulation of Morphogen and Tissue Dynamics
Michael D. Peters, L.D. Wittwer, Anna Stopka, Diana Barac, Christine Lang, and Dagmar Iber
14. Mechanisms and Measurements of Scale Invariance of Morphogen Gradients
Yan Huang and David Umulis
15. Scaling of Morphogenetic Patterns
Manan'Iarivo Rasolonjanahary and Bakhtier Vasiev
16. Modeling Time-Dependent Acquisition of Positional Information