This delightful followup to Murder on the Gravy Train has us again following the adventures of Chas Wheatley, newspaper restaurant critic and amateur sleuth. Again we get lots of delicious scoop about both print journalism and the restaurant business. What a wonderful way for restaurant critic-author Richman to dish up some of her hard-earned wisdom, such as issues of price gouging and payment shenanigans. There is some...
Phyllis Richman's Chas Wheatley comes into her own in MURDER ON THE GRAVY TRAIN. Her "own" is one of the best dramatizations of the ferociously functional female who's been developed every-which-way in every genre, from historic romances to futuristic female cops side-genres (Nora Robert's JD Robb series). This type (not tin) is female in the vulnerable, sensitive, insecure, even "needy" sense; but she always, always, always...
This is the 2nd in the series chronicling the day to day life of the restaurant critic Chas Wheatley. If you've ever been involved in the restaurant business or even if you've eaten at a restaurant this light mystery will keep you reading. The characters are colorful and the plot keeps you smiling and more then often trying to determine what culinary creations one should cook up for dinner!
I found the novel to be delicious. The only real comment I have is Sherele's odd quotes...That quote from the Importance of Being Earnest had nothing to do with what they were talking about.
In her second mystery novel, Washington Post food critic Phyllis Richman's story and characters shine and soar. It starts out with a bang and just never lets up. It's a treat to be allowed to peek into the world of a newspaper restaurant critic (a job "to die for" in more ways than one) and go behind the scenes to discover the seemier side of fine dining. Readers who liked "The Butter Did It," will be thrilled with...