Debt keeps you trapped in a vicious cycle of paying high interest to the banks, the credit card companies, and all types of creditors. While they become rich, you become poorer and poorer as you try to get out of this endless cycle.
This book is not written on theory, but on the exact steps the author took to go from over $84,000 in debt to ZERO debt. Moreover, the author not only paid off that debt in less than one year, but he was also able to save up a 6-month emergency fund, pay for a wedding, invest and fund a Roth IRA, and he eventually left his full time job to become a full-time writer.
My Blessed Life is the exact blueprint that took Matthew Thrush from financially stressed to financially blessed, and it's a blueprint that you can follow too.
Imagine how much better you would sleep at night if you had ZERO debt...
The world is changing at rapid speeds, and in order to protect yourself from financial doom and gloom, it's imperative that you remove all debt from your life.
God is in the business of miracles. Once you get clear and set your intention, take the actions laid out in this book, then God's miracles will start manifesting in your life and finances.
Here's some of what you'll learn in this book:
How to differentiate between a want and a need so you can reduce your expenses and apply that new found money to debt removal.
How to set up a reward system with prizes and mini-rewards as you play the Debt Eradication Game.
The best way to save thousands of dollars on mortgage interest instantly.
How to build your emergency fund once you get to zero debt to secure your financial future.
The 7 Laws of Harvest.
And More
If you want to go from being hopeless and weighed down with debt to being hopeful, without debt, and blessed, click the BUY NOW button and let's get you in the driver's seat of your financial destiny.