My Child Your Father is a collection of daily devotionals. Each one in the first person as if God the Father is speaking to the reader. I've written it this way as it is how Father God, by the Holy Spirit, reveals his word to me. The readings are prophetic in nature. Each one has at least one scripture reference so the reader can, to some degree, 'test' the message.
Why did I write this book? When I read the word of God the Holy Spirit reveals things to me. What I call simple insights and understandings. I never thought much about it. I thought it was that way for every Christian. Over time, and after talking with other Christians, I realized this was not the case. I was often helping them understand Spiritual things. Even quite simple things. Things which I thought every Christian understood. The insights I had received brought clarity to them. This would occur often.
Father God aways speaks to me as a Father to his Child. Hence the title of the book. My Child Your Father. To me, Father God always wants to fellowship. He wants that with all his Children.