When I saw the title, I thought this would be a juicy read but I was so disappointed. The author is obsessed with materialistic things and over exaggerated subjects and items. She spends too much time with trivial details that do not matter. I was hoping that Tracey and Aaron relationship would fail because it was so wrong and immoral. The author kept us guessing until the end and it ended very stupid. The trouble...
I felt really bad for the daughter. The mom is a hypocrite and the boyfriend was a DOG.
This book is amazing! It's told from the mother, the daughter, and the boyfriends viewpoints.(so you know what everyones thinking). The story pulls you right in, and you really feel for the characters, especially the daughter. This book I just about read non-stop; but Ms. Rax's other book "My husband's girlfiend" I had to read in spurts because being a wife myself for 18 years, I could only sympathize with the wife in the...
The author tackles this taboo topic with sensitivity, insight and courage. No matter what your feelings regarding a mother who sleeps with her daughter's boyfriend (and it's safe to assume most of us agree it's despicable), the author should be commended for dealing with such a racy subject head on and unflinchingly. Cydney Rax puts faces, voices and feelings to a situation most of us would avoid like the plague. The best...
Cydney Rax's My Daughters Boyfriend boldly goes where angels fear to tread. I read the reviews of this work prior to reading the novel and I have to say I totally disagree with much of the brazen invectives used to describe this depiction of a depraved unscrupulous soul. The truth of the matter is this: People do stupid stuff, period. As much as we don't want to air our own stupid decisions and the consequences thereof, My...