My Dream Journal
Many people have no trouble in remembering a few dreams per night, whereas others recall dreams only irregularly or not at all.
Here is where dream journals are coming in hand For a successful dream recalling, a dream journal like this is a must-have, especially for lucid dreamers.
Dream journaling helps you to remember your dreams better.
By simply writing in detail each morning the dreams that you had, in just a few weeks you will be able to see a huge difference in your dream recall
By writing in your journal, you will be able to remember the dreams much better, so they will start getting more vivid - they will look more "alive", with more colors and many more details.
This is a great Dream Journal to keep at your bedside for recording/writing notes on your dreams.
There are spaces to write out all of the details of your dreams - the characters, sensations, and locations of your dreams.
It has 120 pages ready to fill out.