★ "A quiet loveliness, sense of gratitude, and--yes--happiness emanate from this tender celebration of simple pleasures."--Publishers Weekly, starred review "Will leave the youngest readers gladly imagining what fills their own hearts...
La luz del sol en la cara. El aroma de bannock caliente horne ndose. Agarrar la mano de alguien querido. Qu llena tu coraz n de alegr a? Este hermoso libro en carton , con ilustraciones de la artista de renombre Julie Flett, sirve como recordatorio tanto para peque os como...
★ "A quiet loveliness, sense of gratitude, and--yes--happiness emanate from this tender celebration of simple pleasures." -- Publishers Weekly, starred review "Will leave the youngest readers gladly imagining what fills their own hearts...
★ "A quiet loveliness, sense of gratitude, and--yes--happiness emanate from this tender celebration of simple pleasures." -- Publishers Weekly, starred review "Will leave the youngest readers gladly imagining what fills their own hearts...
★ "A quiet loveliness, sense of gratitude, and--yes--happiness emanate from this tender celebration of simple pleasures." -- Publishers Weekly, starred review The sun on your face. The smell of warm bannock baking in the oven. Holding the hand...
The sun on your face. The smell of warm bannock baking in the oven. Holding the hand of someone you love. What fills your heart with happiness? This beautiful picture book, with illustrations from celebrated artist Julie Flett, serves as a reminder for little ones and adults...
Qu'est-ce qui te remplit le coeur de bonheur ? Le soleil sur ton visage ? L'odeur de la banique qui cuit au four ? Tenir la main d'une personne que tu aimes ? Ce magnifique album cartonn , illustr par la talentueuse artiste Julie Flett, rappelle aux petits et aux grands de...