For many years I lived in a state of anxiety and fear. In fact, as a retired veteran, I experienced severe PTSD. In December of 2015 I had a major heart malfunction and according to my doctor I was only twelve seconds from death. During that time, I was engulfed in the most beautiful light. The love, peace and calm were overwhelming. In this book I do my best to describe it and what I've come to understand as a result of this wonderful experience. One of the most important things is how to manage the emotion of fear so that it will no longer control your life. For the last nine years I've been doing faith-based life coaching. Frankly, people will stop me on the street, at the doctor's office, the grocery store and everywhere else. I was even approached by the head surgical nurse while I was on the operating table being prepared for major surgery. Because of these interactions, God has blessed many people with His healing power.