From trials to triumphs, from the lovers to the haters, it's all the same in "My Mind" . You will experience truth behind the stories that I encountered in a matter of years. More deeply, My Mind: The Journey of Love and the Rest is truly that. It's a personal journey for the ages that allows us to see our own personal struggles with good and evil, significant others, and the success that we all yearn for. But it's also about love, the love I learned and want to share. These poems and letters that make this book up are still a part of my mind and whatever else has come out of these pages. "The Rest" can be understood also as literally as the rest of my mind which consists of things like my Jamaican heritage, a eulogy of my father, a snake, and the introduction to a new character, "A.C" who is my ego. This is the first installment of My Mind.
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