Prayers between me and Jesus is a book of reflection that was inspired by a pastor's sermon. We provide a place to note any prayer requests that have come from the congregation and notes from the sermon that inspired thoughts of things to be thankful for.
So, why would you put your prayers on paper? Aren't they just words between you and Jesus? Sure, they are, but the simple fact that you have recorded your prayers gives you an opportunity to see how the Lord has helped shape your life. Have you noticed how He has directed your life by reflecting on His answers to your prayers?
Oh, I guess you are so diligent in your prayers that you don't notice the ones He has told you to WAIT before He answers this specific prayer. He answers your prayers in his own timing . . . His timing isn't based around YOUR desires, but when He feels the time is right. You may record the prayer and find His answer delayed to fit His timing when other things are happening in your life. This is a time you would want to record the prayer and see how He directs your life with His answers.
The journal gives plenty of room to note items of special interest in your prayers. If these thoughts come to mind from the scriptures you have heard or were divinely put on your heart . . . go ahead and note them on these pages as well. There's room for 100 prayers here.
6x9 Inch Format 101 pages Find your own Prayer Room Include scripture with each prayer request Give thanks for good things in your life with each new request Note how God has provided Guidance for your prayers Share Your love of others by providing them a Journal for their prayers