Narcissism: A Contemporary Introduction provides a historical overview of this key foundational concept within psychoanalytic thought.
Richard Wood offers a critical overview of the theoretical landscape that characterizes the understanding of narcissism, referring to the work of Fromm, Rosenfeld, Kernberg, and Kohut, among others. He delineates and investigates three key forms of narcissism: severe, pathological narcissism that can result in extreme human suffering; narcissism that falls within the spectrum of Narcissistic Personality Disorder; and healthy forms of narcissism that are essential to successful personal, cultural, and creative development.
Using clinical examples throughout, Wood aids psychoanalysts and psychologists in training and practice in recognizing, evaluating, and treating patients with narcissistic personality traits. His thorough and jargon-free approach will also support students looking for a comprehensive overview of narcissism.
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