Does your mother make you feel small and guilty, particularly when you make decisions without her, even though you're an adult?
"Narcissistic Mother" is a collection of two books focusing on mothers with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Each book focuses on different phases of recovery, and each is an essential guide to the journey towards healing.
My Mother is a Narcissistic Person: How to Handle a Narcissist discusses how to identify narcissism, particularly in a parent. It explores how NPD can affect the child of a Narcissist, and includes steps to take to confronting and defeating a Narcissistic parent. It also goes into an in-depth look at NPD, and dispels myths about narcissism and discusses the truth to combat the myth.
This book discusses:
It can be very difficult to admit the faults of someone who raised you. However, when your life is severely affected by abuse, healing can come from understanding.
Narcissistic Abuse Recovery: Daughters and Narcissistic Mothers; Healing from Narcissistic Abuse focuses on the victims of narcissism. It offers advice on how to react when common narcissistic behaviors are directed towards you, and reassures victims that they are not at fault and how to overcome feelings of guilt. It also provides important relaxation techniques, showcasing a variety of these techniques to suit different lifestyles.
Within this book are the following topics:
Though both guides focus on narcissism in motherhood, they offer important information that anyone can use. Any reader will be able to identify narcissism, understand NPD and the differences between NPD, narcissistic personality, and narcissism, as well as use the techniques and advice within each book and apply them to other situations involving NPD.
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