Theories of human mental abilities should be consistent with what is known in neuroscience. Currently, tests of human mental abilities are modeled by cognitive constructs such as attention, working memory, and speed of information processing. These constructs are in turn related to a single general ability. However, brains are very complex systems and whether most of the variability between the operations of different brains can be ascribed to a single factor is questionable.
How you can learn more about and be a part of neuroscience including:
Basic knowledge about your brainA guide to the field of neuroscienceDiscoveries of the past, present, and predictions of future possibilitiesControversy within the fieldHow technology has changed the ways brains are studiedThe impact discoveries and findings have on youHow you can change and influence neuroscienceI will strip away the inherent complexity of the science and steer you to insights that will enrich your relationships, improve your wellbeing, and increase your productivity.
Brainsights is a thinking person's self-help book. It is for those that can't wait to dig into the science, knowing what awaits them is the wisdom to make a difference in their own lives and those of others.