Josephus did record the deeds of another first-century rabbi, Judas the Galilean. This Judas cleansed the Temple, took part in a Barabbas-style prisoner release, was proclaimed Messiah and led a tax revolt against Rome. Judas was even credited with founding a new philosophy.
"Jesus" was simply a Messianic title for Judas the Galilean. Confirming this statement, the Slavonic Josephus introduced John the Baptist in 6 AD, immediately before the tax revolt of Judas the Galilean. Using this earlier timeline, the entire story of Jesus' movement and the history of Josephus fit together perfectly.
The New Testament shifted the story of Jesus forward by a generation. This deception distanced Jesus from his true identity and teachings, and also hid embarrassing revelations concerning Paul. Paul not only persecuted the Church before his conversion, he also attacked the leadership after his expulsion from the movement.