Today's world has become dominated by:
- Brexit and the Trump factor
- The rise of Populism worldwide, and the distrust of elites and their policies which mostly serve themselves
- Federalism and the desire to centralise power and take it away from nations and peoples
- Massive bail outs of banks, bondholders, speculators and fraudsters by taxpayers costing trillions of dollars globally which is enforced by government austerity policies and the build up of massive government debt
- Banking frauds and money creation frauds and accompanying debt which fuel speculative bubbles and crashes
- Failed Economic Policies which worsen deflation and recessions
- The build up of excessive private debt, business debt, and government debt which severely limits growth and progress
- Globalisation and it's race to the bottom, combined with automation and new technologies replacing humans. Loss of millions of jobs.
- Growing levels of unemployment and under-employment, and declining real wages for over 20 years
- High and growing concentrations of wealth and income in many countries
- Unaffordable housing and the housing crisis. The homeless crisis.
- Political corruption and Legal system corruption which is destroying freedom and democracy
- The healthcare crisis
- Wars and 'regime changes' accompanied by whole industries which profit from war, terrorism and destruction. The accompanying refugee and immigration disaster and its effect on many countries.
This book is very different to other books, as it approaches the current turmoil in politics, economics and sociology from a totally different perspective. It examines the following:
a) What are the problems and what are their causes ? What constitutes causality ? and what are the causal factors involved ? How do we deconstruct causality and the causal factors behind this disorder and chaos ? what are the dynamics, the driving factors, the hidden forces and the relationships ? b) What are the solutions based on causality, the causal factors behind these problems ? what constitutes rights and the responsibilities attached to rights ? and how are these rights and responsibilities linked to causality, and to the problems, disorder and chaos confronting countries and the world ? how do we apply responsibilities and the lessons of causality to create new more effective solutions. This will involve very new and innovative solutions which address the root causes of problems, and include: