Orion is caustic and bitter. He doesn't like people, nor does he enjoy their company. There's nothing Orion needs beyond a good book. But Tucker keeps coming around and Orion doesn't understand why he doesn't want it to stop. As one owner of Cubs for Rent--a male escort service--Tucker already has too many men chasing him. Orion has no intention of joining the flock. Life doesn't care what he wants.
When Tucker met Orion, Orion accused him of being a liar and shut him down on every level. For someone who's used to getting any man he wants, Orion is an irresistible challenge. He's awkward and cranky. His head is always in the clouds and Tucker wants Orion with every fiber of his being. But this might be the one time Tucker doesn't get his way.
Orion has already suffered enough heartaches in his life, but Orion wants Tucker. That's a truth he can't shake. For once, Orion might have to set aside his books and live. How terrifying.