A harrowing book to read, my blood pressure went so high I had to stop reading for awhile . The narrow, almost obessive focus that Reesor and Raybould exhibited in this investigation on the death of Elizabeth Bain is frightening!! That they are still in law enforcement is scarier still.
Robert Baltovich is now out of jail and working at a somewhat prestigious job in downtown Toronto. I know this from a mutual childhood friend that Rob and I know. Robert is out of jail, long in advance of his seventeen year sentence, in large part, due to the uncovering of Metro Toronto police malfeasance and their outright obstruction of justice. Repentance must be forthcoming from the police, the judiciary. These tax-paid...
This novel recounted the harrowing tale of young love which ended too soon. The author does a fantastic job in re-telling the tragic events that led to the arrest and conviction of Robert Baltovich. Fortunate enough for the readers, the author also allows for us to see how unfair the legal system is, and how cunning officers can be to find justice. I hope that Mr. Baltovich finds justice, and the Bain family finds the closure...
As a family member of Robert Baltovich, I will say that No Claim to Mercy does an excellent job of recapping the devastating experience during the last almost ten years. It describes in amazingly accurate detail the occurences before the trial, during and after. What has gone on since is also in detail and is assurance for me just reading it that we, very soon, will come to the bottom of this, and an innocent man will...