This book is excellent. I should note that it is highly conceptual. Rather than offering "starting hand charts" or a detailed analysis of how to play different hands, it discusses the things a player should think about at a no-limit table. That being said, I do think the "Concepts" portion of the book offer an excellent bridge from the theory to the practical. As another reviewer wrote, some people may want to start with the...
This book covers so many key adjustments from making the transition from limit to no-limit it blew my mind away. I really learned a lot of new ideas from this book. I still have trouble acting on the information at the table as I get quite nervous and the higher thinking aspects of my brain shut-down. Clearly, if you are able to think on your feet you can suceed by applying the different strategies outlined. The take home...
In my circle of poker geeks and fanatics, there are few publications whose release was as eagerly anticipated as No Limit Hold `Em Theory and Practice. We've been talking about it since January at my internet discussion forum. Some of the initial responses were not flattering so I wasn't sure what to expect by the time my copy arrived. Frankly, upon completion, I'm astounded the book is as great as it is. Theory and Practice...
I started playing poker 4 years ago. I've read over 40 poker books in order to improve my understanding of the games well enough to become a top player. I've been playing full-time as a pro for almost 2 years now and I have to say that the best poker books on the market are nearly always by Two Plus Two Publishing and this book is no exception!!! This book is THE DEFINITIVE work on NL Hold'em. Because NL Hold'em strategy...
Those of us who have been playing and studying poker for years know what huge contributions David Sklansky has made to poker and this book is no exception. No limit holdem had all but disappeared(except for tournament play) until about three or four years ago and any one playing today understands the explosion in poker is primarily centered around no limit holdem. Many veteran players like myself have tried to adopt and...