War No We don't want war. We don't want to lose our dear ones.
Our peaceful hub. Our beautiful earth. It was decorated by sweet
flowers. Now can see only the thorns of dirty darts. Why ?
Why, greedy claws? Grudges...Ouch
Bleeding hearts. Sacrificed, the desired paradise.
Can't we stop this war?
All of us must want to smile, to live; under the shadow of sweet moon.
No more tears.
Pleases, stop this bloody war. Where is the mystic dove?
Where are you? Spread the message for the peaceful earth.
No War... a poetry book, reflects the messages of hearts, for the
peaceful earth.
For example- A Child Runs, Nothing Is Here, The Red Sun etc.
Hope you will get some special essences of this poetic flower.
Published Poetry Books:
Thanks Dear God, Poetic Essence, Refection of Mind, Glittering
Hopes, Tiny Garden of Words, Angels Smile, Dancing Alphabet,
Artistic Muse, Essence of Love, The Magical Quill, Dear Children,
Haunted Site, Woman, The Butterfly, A Little fantasy, Lion's Roar
(available on Amazon).
Contact: [email protected]. You Tube: S Afrose *Muse of
Writes*(@safrose_poetic_arts), Facebook page: Muse of Words by S