Mark Noble plans a surprise proposal to his beautiful girlfriend during a romantic Caribbean vacation. But before he can pop the question, his girlfriend disappears, and his father--a world famous celebrity doctor who seems to have perfected mind-control--is killed in a mysterious fire back home in Pennsylvania.
When Mark investigates both his girlfriend's disappearance and his father's death, he realizes that the two events are connected. He attempts to unravel the mystery with the help of his eccentric grandmother and the courageous crew--one a former Navy SEAL--of her luxury yacht, putting all of their lives in danger as Mark faces a rich and powerful foe determined to pry from Mark a secret he doesn't even know he possesses.
Breakneck pacing and taut plotting mark Greg Smith's sophomore effort, a top-notch thriller with keen intelligence and shocking twists that create a brooding, vice-like compression that leaves little room to breathe.