"Provides a comprehensive, clairvoyant, and rich study of a number of issues affecting the Maghreb on the eve of the 21st century."--Yehuda Lukacs, George Mason University
This collection addresses the major problems that Maghreb countries--Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and Libya--have faced in the last two decades and the cultural and economic issues facing them today, an unusually wide-ranging interdisciplinary study that brings together scholars from the region of North Africa itself as well as from the U.S. and Europe.
Introduction, by Yahia H. Zoubir
Part I. Polity, Society, and the Economy in the Maghrebi Countries
1. Post-Colonial Dialectics of Civil Society, by Clement Moore Henry
2. State and Civil Society in Algeria, by Yahia H. Zoubir
3. Economic Reform and the Elusive Political Change in Morocco, by Azzedine Layachi
4. Regime Type, Economic Reform, and Political Change in Tunisia, by Robert J. King
5. Political and Economic Developments in Libya in the 1990s, by Mary-Jane Deeb
Part II. Dynamics of Change in the Contemporary Maghreb
6. The Maghreb in the 1990s: Approaches to an Understanding of Change, by Claire Spencer
7. Maghrebi Youth: Between Alienation and Integration, by Mohamed Farid Azzi
8. Human Rights in the Maghreb, by Youcef Bouandel
9. Commitment and Critique: Francophone Intellectuals in the Maghreb, by Patricia Geesey
10. The Maghrebi Economies as Emerging Markets? by Nora Ann Colton
11. The Arab Maghreb Union: Myth and Reality, by Robert A. Mortimer
Part III. The Maghreb in World Affairs
12. The Geopolitics of the Western Sahara Conflict, by Yahia H. Zoubir
13. Foreign Arms Sales and the Military Balance in the Maghreb, by Daniel Volman
14. United States Policy in the Maghreb, by Yahia H. Zoubir and Stephen Zunes
15. The European Union and the Maghreb in the 1990s, by George Joff
Yahia H. Zoubir is associate professor of international studies at Thunderbird, The American Graduate School of International Management, in Glendale, Arizona. He is the coeditor of International Dimensions of the Western Sahara Conflict and has published dozens of articles and book chapters on North Africa. He is the editor-in-chief of Thunderbird International Business Review.