More about the method here, from Liz Mackie's Introduction:
"In revising and editing The Last Man for modern readers, I've sought to make its many strengths shine forth-so that it might be easier to see, for instance, the book's affinities with Frankenstein, another tale of adventures in philosophical horror. Taking the comprehensive line-by-line approach enabled by digital technology, I've moved some passages around to heighten the action of the plot, pared back redundancies, and generally 'fixed' how things sound: updating old locutions that might act as stumbling blocks to present-day ears; adding contractions and possessives; rendering Mankind and the like more inclusive. True to its era, the original text is packed with poetic quotations and references to myth and ancient history; I've given context, translated, or cut as seemed best. I've worked to sharpen visual details for readers raised on camera images: Mary Shelley has a different eye from ours, one trained in a world dominated by the printing press. I've made a handful of additions and outright transformations. I've also left countless passages of wonderful writing unchanged. Though each chapter wound up some hundreds of words shorter than in the original, it's all here. My goal has been to offer The Last Man to the public in the form of the gripping, well-tuned nineteenth-century novel it always had the potential to be."