One of Augustine's most important works, written between 388 and 395, this dialogue has as its objective not so much to discuss free will for its own sake as to discuss the problem of evil in reference to the existence of God, who is almighty and all-good. +
Translated with an uncanny sense for the overall point of Augustine's doctrine. In short, a very good translation. The Introduction is admirably clear.--Paul Vincent Spade, Indiana University
Written in the late 4th century, "On the Freedom of the Will" by Saint Augustine is the important and influential treatise exploring the existence of God, the meaning of free will, and the definition of truth. Saint Augustine, or Augustine of Hippo, was born in 354 in the...
"Trait du libre arbitre" de Saint Augustin. Saint Augustin, philosophe, th ologien chr tien, v que d'Hippone, et crivain romain (354-430).