When I first opened his De Incarnatione I soon discovered I was reading a masterpiece ... for only a master mind could have written so deeply on a subject with such classical simplicity. -- C.S. Lewis, from the Introduction By any standard, this is a classic...
Popular Patristics Series Volume 44A "When I first opened his De Incarnatione I soon discovered I was reading a masterpiece... for only a master mind could have written so deeply on a subject with such classical simplicity." -C.S. Lewis, from the Introduction By...
One of the most important works of Christian theology, the treatise "On the Incarnation" was written by the fourth century Egyptian religious leader St. Athanasius of Alexandria. An influential Christian theologian and church elder, St. Athanasius, also known as Athanasius...
"When I first opened De Incarnatione, I soon discovered... that I was reading a masterpiece." -C.S. Lewis The world scoffs at the idea of Jesus' incarnation. Yet, the Christian faith hinges on this very notion-God, unwilling...
On the Incarnation contains the reflections of Athanasius of Alexandria, upon the subjects of Christ, His purpose on Earth, and the nature of the Holy Spirit. This work was composed partly to explain Athanasius's thoughts on Jesus Christ and the nature of the Holy Spirit, and...
Two names stand above all others in the history of the early Christian church: Augustine and Athanasius. The former was from the West and contended for the doctrine of grace against Roman moralism, while the latter came from the East and became a champion of orthodoxy against...
On the Incarnation of the Word of God is an ancient text by Saint Athanasius, who expounds upon the divine and eternal wisdom offered by Lord. First penned during the early 4th century AD, this early book of Christian wisdom is both an inspiring reflection upon the spiritual...
On the Incarnation with an introduction by C.S. Lewis
By any standard, this is a classic of Christian theology. Composed by St. Athanasius in the fourth century, it expounds with simplicity the theological vision defended at the councils of Nicaea and Constantinople:...
On the Incarnation is the first classic work of developed Orthodox theology, wherein Saint Athanasius presents teachings on the redemption. Also, Athanasius puts forward the belief, referencing John 1:1-4, that the Son of God, the eternal Word through whom God created the...
Athanasius of Alexandria (circa 298 373) is also given the titles St. Athanasius the Great, Pope St. Athanasius I of Alexandria, St Athanasius the Confessor and (in the Coptic Orthodox Church, mainly) St Athanasius the Apostolic. He was the 20th bishop of Alexandria, but he was...
"When I first opened De Incarnatione, I soon discovered... that I was reading a masterpiece." -C.S. Lewis The world scoffs at the idea of Jesus' incarnation. Yet, the Christian faith hinges on this very notion-God, unwilling to be a bystander, fully entering...
This Classic book - On the Incarnation -- introduces and orients the reader to critical theological thinking concerning the incarnation of Christ. Athanasius's presentation is written...
On the Incarnation of the Word of God is an ancient text by Saint Athanasius, who expounds upon the divine and eternal wisdom offered by Lord. First penned during the early 4th century AD, this early book of Christian wisdom is both an inspiring reflection upon the spiritual...
On the Incarnation contains the reflections of Athanasius of Alexandria, upon the subjects of Christ, His purpose on Earth, and the nature of the Holy Spirit. This work was composed partly to explain Athanasius's thoughts on Jesus Christ and the nature of the Holy Spirit, and...