Amelia was a wonderful child that had a smile that came all the way down in her heart all the way up to her face. She could charm the hardest person with it. Before being diagnosed with two types of terminal cancer she saved the life of a baby crow that fell out of its nest. It grew to be her best friend ever. When her brain tumor caused her to pass out by a spring they had on the property, Rex, the pet crow went for help. This beautiful little girl was sent to a cancer treatment medical center. Her mom was the only one that could visit as Amelia's dad was in prison serving a sentence for a crime he never committed. Quite a commotion is caused when Rex makes an appearance at the hospital. He was the only one who could break through the coma her brain tumor barrier and get her to respond. As far as Amelia was concerned this dream she was living was real. During the course of this continuing dream she makes friends with her guardian angel who it the person she requested One Drop of Forever from. In time he grants her request and she is taken off in vision to the beautiful home of the saved. While there in heaven she meets Jesus face to face. He takes time out of His busy schedule to give her a personal tour of the mansion she owns in that beautiful city of God. The family goes through one struggle after another eventually overcoming each one. There is still the matter of her cancer. Is One Drop of Forever enough to save her life? Think about this. That one drop of forever that she experiences can never die. What would that do inside a terminally ill child?