"The buggy-eyed insects, crabs, and snails provide an appealing cast of characters who stand up to be counted against a summertime palette of orange sand and blue skies." -- Kirkus Reviews If one is a snail and two is a person, we must be counting by feet!...
What do one hundred sunbathing snails have in common with ten crabs in inner tubes? Check out this mirthful counting book with a focus on feet. If one is a snail and two is a person, we must be counting by feet! Just follow the sign to the beach, where a bunch of fun-loving crabs,...
What do one hundred sunbathing snails have in common with ten crabs in inner tubes? Check out this mirthful counting book with a focus on feet. If one is a snail and two is a person, we must be counting by feet Just follow the sign to the beach, where a bunch of fun-loving crabs,...