"A perfectly grand piece of historical record and synthetic journalism." -- Chicago Daily Tribune From Frederick Lewis Allen, former editor-in-chief of Harper's magazine, comes a classic history of 1920s America, from the end of World War I to...
Only Yesterday ist eine sehr gut geschriebene, anekdotenreiche Darstellung des Aktienmarktes der 20er Jahre. Der Autor beschreibt die Welle des Reichtums nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg bis zum legendären Schwarzen Freitag 1929 und der sich anschlie enden Weltwirtschaftskrise. Au erdem...
A social history of the United States during the "roaring twenties." Examines American individualism and the decade that they knew Mah Jong and Mencken, Cou?ism and Coolidge, Listerine and Lindbergh, as well as Capone, Ford, Babe Ruth, the Teapot Dome, and bathtub gin.
[Audiobook CASSETTE Library Edition in vinyl case.]
[Read by Grover Gardner]
Prohibition. Al Capone. The President Harding scandals. The revolution of manners and morals. Black Tuesday. These are only an inkling of the events and figures characterizing the...
Frederick Lewis Allen (July 5, 1890 Boston, Massachusetts - February 13, 1954 New York City) was the editor of Harper's Magazine and also notable as an American historian of the first half of the twentieth century. His specialty was writing about what was at the time recent...