High Stress ... High Seas ... High Hopes ...
Never forget who's in your boat
This is the cruise of our lives. We are here to celebrate If it rains, we will get out and dance in it ... If there are high winds we will grab a hand and hold on for dear life. Our cruise has a limited time-frame; every moment is precious. Choosing the cruise is simply choosing to love, live, and laugh because even when the high winds come we know that the God of the universe is right there in our boat. He stills the storms then and now ... So, all aboard we dare not miss the cruise
From infertility, adoption, special needs, to the terrible twos and beyond, this book will make you laugh and make you cry. From the 'turbo toilet' to 'baggage claim' this Lucy and Ethel duo will have you chuckling (snorting and cackling may also occur).
When you are done laughing and crying, we hope you will agree with the 'barefoot authors' that
"Our Faith Floats"