Objections happen. Ouch
We don't like them. We feel rejected. We begin our defensive mode. It doesn't have to be this way.
Instead, what if:
Objections are not a live/die, win/lose, fight-to-the-death verbal combat. Most objections are simply unanswered questions in our prospects' minds. They want what we have to offer, but uncertainty holds them back.
How do we change this scenario? Two ways.
The good news? We can master these two ways and totally remove our fear of objections. Now our network marketing business becomes more fun. We will look forward to our conversations with our prospects.
More good news? We can agree with our prospects. We can honor their point of view. Our relationship remains strong.
And want to turn our skills into superskills? Part two introduces us to the magic of word pictures. Yes, we can transcend many objections by instilling bigger visions. When our prospects' vision is big enough, nothing will stand in their way.
Learn the basic objection templates here. See the word-for-word answers that put our prospects back into their buying and joining modes.