The god of the seas, Poseidon, is known for unleashing the Kraken...
Paxton Guthrie, aka Poseidon, is in the prime of his young life. He's one of the best linebackers in the league and has a carefree attitude that rivals his chosen profession.
When a charity date takes place and he's the raffle prize for the lovely, diehard #52 fan and local historian, Rebecca Ryan, a promising night on the town ensues. But these two unsuspecting souls are in for the surprise of their lives after the media catches them red-handed in a compromising position
All bets are off as they must fake an impromptu engagement, deal with their angry friends and families, and "play house" while the Gladiators' reputation hangs in the balance... along with the real possibility of a Super Bowl.
But Poseidon never imagined he would find his Amphitrite before he was ready And neither the sweet-spoken Irish lass nor the jealous god himself anticipated falling in love.
Their characters aren't the only things at stake here. Family ties are perhaps sturdier than anything the Greek gods can invoke. PASS INTERFERENCE must be run in this instance-even if it's from the defense.
Will Pax and Becca's love be strong enough to withstand a raging ocean of mistrust or is the arrogance of the sea god enough to knock him off his pedestal on Mt. Olympus?