Passive-aggressive people. You know the type.
They never say they won't do something. They agree but then, aw shucks, "the dog ate their homework" - and, of course, it's not their fault.
They never ask for what they want. They whine or charm or sulk... until you offer. But they didn't ask, so they don't owe you anything. Hey, you offered.
And they claim to be the kindest person in the world. Would never hurt a fly. But they attack others - always with plausible deniability.
In all cases they must get their way, they have a plausible excuse that allows them to escape taking responsibility for their actions. They manage to avoid being confronted by those who are affected. If they try to confront them, they can always deny any intent ("No, I really wanted to be on time, but the bus was late.")
These people will drive you crazy. So what do you do to win with these types?
In this book passive-aggressive people, we'll define passive aggression; explain why people might act in this way, examples of this behavior, and strategies for dealing with it and winning with these types.
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