Paths to Contact: True Stories from the Contact Underground, is about ordinary people having extraordinary experiences of extraterrestrial contact. These people are doctors, computer programmers, sanitation and postal workers, healers, meteorologists, biologists, pilots, artists, engineers - people from many different walks of life. They have each volunteered to tell their story of extraterrestrial contact and how it has affected their life.
Most of these stories involve human initiated contact. That's right, these are people who go out under the stars and ask for contact, and it happens with amazing reliability when done correctly. The accounts are personal and reflect how deep and heartfelt these experiences were. The stories clearly demonstrate that contact comes in many different forms - not just face-to-face or lights in the sky They also show that our ET friends are benevolent and as interested in us as we are in them.
When Jeff Becker floated the idea for this book project in December of 2011, the response from so many people eager to tell their stories convinced him that the project would be a success. This has been a team effort, with most of the contributors doing their own writing and telling their story in their own words. These are stories of amazing sightings, personal transformations, and even healings. The contact movement has started, and one day history may recognize that this book was the first to give voice to the movement.
Perhaps this book will inspire you to embark on your own path to contact. While this is not a "how to" book, numerous resources are referenced in the book and even more can be found on the book website. For more information about this ongoing project, see