Pathways to Self-Discovery and Change: A Guide for Responsible Living - The Participant's Workbook, Second Edition provides a written and richly illustrated format through which clients can better understand and reflect on each of 32 (approxi-mately 90 to 120 minutes in length) youth-focused CBT treatment sessions.
Pathways to Self-Discovery and Change supplies clients with a visual and written record of all treatment objectives, content information, modeling and role-plays, discus-sion points, interactive exercises, and reflective assign-ments and a place to record their ideas, insights, short- and long-term goals, and progress during the entire treatment episode.
The Participant's Workbook is geared to a broad range of reading and conceptual abilities. Using comic strip illustrations and gripping stories (presented through the narrative voice of teen-agers who experience a variety of problems with sub-stance abuse, criminal conduct, and mental health issues), clients are engaged in active discussion about the situations, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that have become embroidered in their patterns of sub-stance abuse and criminal conduct.