Decisions students make today can affect not only their life now but have an impact on their future. If students make wise financial decisions, life can become a more joyous experience. While there are no guarantees there won't be hardships ahead, the material in the 14th edition...
Your journey to financial freedom starts here Kapoor/Dlabay/Hughes market-leading "Personal Finance" provides practical guidance on how students can achieve peace of mind with regard to their financial situation. It provides many financial planning tools using a step-by-step...
The journey to financial freedom starts here Kapoor/Dlabay/Hughes' market-leading Personal Finance provides practical guidance on how students can achieve peace of mind with regard to their financial situation. It provides many financial planning tools to help students identify...
Decisions students make today can affect not only their life now but have an impact on their future. If students make wise financial decisions, life can become a more joyous experience. On the other hand, if students make bad decisions, life may not turn out so well. Personal...
Kapoor/Dlabay/Hughes' Personal Finance is the #1 market-leading Personal Finance text. It provides comprehensive coverage of personal financial planning in the areas of money management, career planning, taxes, consumer credit, housing and other consumer decisions, legal protection,...
"Dear Personal Finance Students and Professors, Everyone has a story about how the COVID-19 pandemic affected their life. Take a moment and think about how the events since the spring of 2020 changed your life. For example, did you lose your job because of nonessential business...
Financial planning for life -- from career strategies and consumer credit to investments and taxes to retirement and estate planning -- this handbook covers everything for making those all-important decisions.
Glencoe Personal Finance is designed to prepare high school students to make wise financial decisions in personal situations. The program helps students realize that they are already making financial decisions and shows them how their decisions affect their future. High-interest...
Glencoe's Personal Finance is the market leading financial literacy textbook, and is now available both in print as the full text and as four separate topical modules for use in courses where personal finance is taught as a unit It is also available digitally on McGraw-Hill's...
Provides comprehensive coverage of personal financial planning in the areas of money management, career planning, taxes, consumer credit, housing and other consumer decisions, insurance, and more. This text helps students identify and evaluate choices as well as understand the...
The journey to financial freedom starts here Kapoor/Dlabay/Hughes market-leading Personal Finance provides practical guidance on how students can achieve peace of mind with regard to their financial situation. It provides many financial planning tools to help students identify...