Question: Are you part of the solution or part of the problem?
These writings are offered for those average "man on the street" type of low-information conservative who have been awakened and want to volunteer their efforts by enlisting in the cause to help recover American freedoms from this leftist tyranny. Put your big-boy pants on. Let's rock and roll. This is a handbook on how to avoid being an unwitting ally of ignorant pseudointellectual elitist snobs, leftists, regressive liberals, progressives, socialists, fascists, communists, Marxists, Maoists, including all cross-dressing RINO (republican in name only) gelding losers, Trojans, and counterfeit conservatives. A starter kit and pocket guide for conservative wannabes. Conservatives are not antigovernment. They are pro-Constitution and anti-Marxist. Our country has drifted so far left that now the Tea Party represents what for decades was normal. A very important heads-up: Most low-information voters have no clue they are low-information voters. Can we talk and separate the adults from the kids? Our argument is Americanism versus Marxism, not Republican versus Democrat All our rights are sovereign, natural, God-given, and unalienable, not constitutional Our government is a constitutional republic, not a mobocracy It is the government, stupid Aren't we finished yet? Don't we have too much already?