This book is not only meant to become a beginner's guide but also be seen as one of the most comprehensive books about improving your photographic memory. While most books in the market will look at either the basic or advanced techniques, Photographic Memory views every strategy out there. With this helpful information, you will not have to look to another book in order to learn how to improve your memory.
Moreover, this book will help you learn how to associate the things you need to remember into your memory with the objects around your home, office, or even car. After reading it, you will be able to remember your shopping list without having to write stuff down. For example, if you need to pick up lettuce, milk, bread, onions, and strawberries, you only have to tap into your memory palace to recall them. Alternatively, you may learn how to associate the lettuce with your television, milk with your lamp, bread with your couch, onions with your end table, strawberries with your recliner, and so on.