This illustrated technical manual is the first comprehensive book in 95 years designed to lead the reader through the process of producing a photogravure print from a black and white negative. Kolb's premise is that the best way to learn the photogravure process is to produce a straightforward, full-scale translation of a photographic negative. Through the production of such a print the reader learns all of the basic technical controls available.
Internationally known photographer Charles A. Swedlund notes that "Photogravure is technical and challenging. It is not forgiving. Many of the steps in the process involve a host of variables. A slight error in any one of them can often produce drastic results. These difficulties have often proved frustrating to beginning students. As a result, the widespread use of photogravure has been hindered in photography and art departments. However, this situation is remedied with the publication of this fine work by Gary Kolb."