PhotoshopElements 3 For Dummies was written by DeleMcClelland, award-winning author of more than 75 titles, includingPhotoshop for Dummies and Photoshop CS Bible, andGalen Fott, writer and reviewer for Macworld and PCMagazine. It includes 16 pages of full-color examples thatdemonstrate capabilities and show you "before" and"after" photos. You'll get step-by-step specificson techniques that can transform your photos, including:
Selecting the area you want to work with using the lasso, marquee, or magic wand tools or the selection brushUsing the healing brush to remove imperfections such asblemishes and the new red eye removal tool to remove that demonicglowAdjusting color with a variety of tools and techniquesApplying filters such as Blur, Gaussian Blur, Colored Pencil, Diffuse Glow, Glass, Glowing Edges and many moreColor correcting quickly with fast color-correctionsUsing the layer styles in the Styles and Effects palette to letyour imagination go wild with painting, drawing, applying dropshadows and bevels, adding text, and moreUsing the brush, pencil, eraser, shape and cookie cuttertoolsWorking with the type tools, including formatting options, warping type into unusual shapes, and creating outline typeMaking the most of the effects, including frame, image effects, text effects, and texturesUsing Photomerge to create panoramic picturesPhotoshopElements 3 For Dummies doesn't just giveyou instructions--it gives you ideas. You'll be inspiredto capitalize on the capabilities and explore different techniquesto enhance and share your photos.