All versions of our picture books (Paperback and E-book) are discreetly made, to make sure there are no mention of Dementia, memory loss, Alzheimer, Parkinson, or any form of sicknesses, and saddening words, both in the titles on the books and the interiors. In addition, our books are kept as simple and with few number of pages as possible, base on medical professionals advice. This is to prevent the users from getting overwhelmed, which is the reason they lose interest in "normal books" We implore our customers to check the number of pages available in our books before ordering. This is because, compared to normal books, our dementia books are of more fewer pages, which might be a turn off to some customers. But be re-assured, dementia patients, especially seniors, appreciate our books' content and the fact that they can easily pick them up and finish reading within minutes.
According to science, seniors and patients with declining memory find it easier to recollect their past when they see things from their past. And this helps to trigger the secretion of happiness hormones (dopamine, serotonin, and the likes) in them. This title offers this to seniors with dementia of various stages. It is concise enough to keep their attention. Also, each classic car's model and year is identified, to keep users attached to the book. It will stir up conversations, bring up memories, and also reinforce a sense of self-identity; when they remember long memories they've made. This picture book includes:Related Subjects