Plant the Seed is a book filled with engaging and creative ideas that help catechists and parents encourage children to live the Word of God in their lives. It includes seven passages from each of the four gospels covering the span of Jesus' life and ministry, and leads the catechist or parent through kid-friendly meditations, discussion and reflection questions, activities, and prayers relating to the theme of each passage.
Invite children to come and see what life with Jesus Christ is all about. Filled with creative ideas to help catechists and parents encourage children in grades K-3 to live the gospels in their lives each day, Plant the Seed includes a variety of learning activities:
group projects
role play
service projects
sharing questions
art ideas
kid-friendly meditations
other ideas that engage children's interest.
The ideas are easy to do and appeal to children of many different interests and abilities. There is introductory material written for the book and each gospel and it covers a broad range of themes and stories from Jesus' life. This is not just another seasonal resource--it can be used year-round!
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