1. Library Construction for High-Throughput Mobile Element Identification and Genotyping
Hongseok Ha, Nan Wang, and Jinchuan Xing
2. The Design and Optimization of DNA Methylation Pyrosequencing Assays Targeting Region-Specific Repeat Elements
Gwen Hoad and Kristina Harrison
3. Determining Epigenetic Targets: A Beginner's Guide to Identifying Genome Functionality Through Database Analysis
Elizabeth A. Hay, Philip Cowie, and Alasdair MacKenzie
4. Detecting Spatial Chromatin Organization by Chromosome Conformation Capture II: Genome-Wide Profiling by Hi-C
Matteo Vietri Rudan, Suzana Hadjur, and Tom Sexton
5. Quantitative Analysis of Intra-chromosomal Contacts: The 3C-qPCR Method
Vuthy Ea, Franck Court, and Thierry Forne
6. 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine Profiling in Human DNA
John P. Thomson, Colm E. Nestor, and Richard R. Meehan
7. Adjusting for Cell Type Composition in DNA Methylation Data Using a Regression-Based Approach
Meaghan J. Jones, Sumaiya A. Islam, Rachel D. Edgar, and Michael S. Kobor
8. Correcting for Sample Heterogeneity in Methylome-Wide Association Studies
James Y. Zou
9. Nano-MeDIP-seq Methylome Analysis Using Low DNA Concentrations
Lee M. Butcher and Stephan Beck
10. Bisulfite Conversion of DNA from Tissues, Cell Lines, Buffy Coat, FFPE Tissues, Microdissected Cells, Swabs, Sputum, Aspirates, Lavages, Effusions, Plasma, Serum, and Urine
Maria Jung, Barbara Uhl, Glen Kristiansen, and Dimo Dietrich
11. Analysis of Imprinted Gene Regulation
David A. Skaar and Randy L. Jirtle
12. Statistical Methods for Methylation Data
Graham W Horgan and Sok-Peng Chua
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