"A bona fide thrill ride." -- Miami Herald "Silva builds tension with breathtaking double and triple turns of plot." -- People Portrait of a Spy is Silva's eleventh thriller to feature art restorer and master spy Gabriel Allon as he races from Great Britain to Washington to New...
"A bona fide thrill ride."--Miami Herald "Silva builds tension with breathtaking double and triple turns of plot."--People Portrait of a Spy is #1 New York Times bestselling author Daniel Silva's eleventh thriller featuring art restorer and master spy Gabriel Allon. Set against...
"Suspense writing at its best."--HUFFINGTON POST It was supposed to be the start of a pleasant weekend in London for master art restorer and spy Gabriel Allon and his wife, Chiara. But a deadly pair of bombings in Paris and Copenhagen has already marred this lovely autumn...
"A bona fide thrill ride." -- Miami Herald "Silva builds tension with breathtaking double and triple turns of plot." -- People Portrait of a Spy is Silva's eleventh thriller to feature art restorer and master spy Gabriel Allon as he races from Great Britain to Washington to New...
"A bona fide thrill ride." -- Miami Herald "Silva builds tension with breathtaking double and triple turns of plot." -- People Portrait of a Spy is Silva's eleventh thriller to feature art restorer and master spy Gabriel Allon as he races from Great Britain to Washington to New...
Art restorer. Assassin. Spy. No 1. Bestseller. Life, like art, rarely goes according to plan. No one knows that better than master art restorer and international assassin Gabriel Allon. A reclusive man with a deep appreciation for all that is beautiful, he is also an angel of...